Presented by Captain William A Speiser Jr., Sandy Hook Pilot
September 27, 2019

At our September membership meeting, Captain Speiser gave a presentation on the career of a Maritime Pilot, the role of the Maritime Pilot aboard ships in ports throughout the world, a history of Pilotage, and a history of the Sandy Hook Pilots who have been bringing ships into and out of the Port of New York for 325 years. Captain Speiser also discussed the training and licensing of the Sandy Hook Pilots, the process of maneuvering today’s ships into and out of the Port, how yesterday’s ocean liners have evolved into today’s cruise ships, and his experiences handling unique ships such as QUEEN ELIZABETH 2, QUEEN MARY 2, ANTHEM OF THE SEAS, REGAL EMPRESS, and many more.
Captain William A. Speiser, Jr. grew up on the New Jersey shore watching ships enter and depart New York Harbor from its beaches and the Passenger Ship Terminal in Manhattan. From a young age, he sought a career in the maritime industry as an officer on ships, which led him to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. Upon graduation in 1994, he began a seven-year apprenticeship with the Sandy Hook Pilots and became a Pilot in September, 2001. He is the first Kings Point graduate to become a Sandy Hook Pilot and is the Vice President of the New Jersey Sandy Hook Pilots.
(Captain William A. Speiser, Jr. photos)