2021 Passenger Ship Arrivals and Departures – Port of New York and New Jersey
Last Updated December 29, 2021
Arrival/Departure times are based on published schedules and are subject to change.
Arrival times may be affected by tides, weather or Hudson River traffic.
Departure times may be affected by late arrival of passengers, delays in loading fuel/provisions, or the scheduling of lifeboat drills.
BCT – Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, (Pier 12), Red Hook, Brooklyn
CLCP – Cape Liberty Cruise Port, Bayonne, NJ
CP – Chelsea Piers, Manhattan
MCT – Manhattan Cruise Terminal (Piers 88, 90 or 92)
**** – denotes a maiden arrival or other notable sailing
N/A – information not available.
Listing may be sorted by clicking on Date, Ship, Line, Terminal and Destination & Notes in the header.
The World Ship Society Port of New York Branch is not responsible for errors, omissions or schedule changes. Information about omissions, errors or schedule changes is welcomed. Please e-mail us at wsspony@gmail.com.